Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Extended Sugar detox Week 3 (with pictures!)

 So following last week's will power fiasco we start week 3 of the cleanse on the other side of the scale. As you can see (or maybe I'm the only one who sees it) it only takes a couple of pounds to affect my body shape. FYI: I show these pictures in my bathing suits to be brutally honest with myself and with whoever might be reading this. You can't hide from the truth when everything is stripped away.
193.8, 39" waist

  This week I've switched out the rotisserie chicken for skinless baked lemon chicken that I cooked myself as well as leaving out avocados and switching my almond snack for an extra egg white omelette muffin. Same veggies as last week because I'm lazy. I went to Trader Joe and found all of my veggies pre-cut and packaged. Woohoo! Exercise this week is biking to and from work and running group.

Week 3 observations
1) I really miss my rotisserie chicken but I know I won't take off the skin. Plus it's loaded with sodium which is probably making me retain water.
2) I need to go to sleep earlier. That keeps me from going overboard. I'm going to try to have last meal by 7 and go to sleep soon after.
3) I'm getting bored with my workout groups (minus running). I have to start doing my individual workouts again. I'm going to be making good use of my local recreational centers as it gets colder.
4) Wednesday morning woke up at 192 lbs. I've been making it a point to eat my broccoli first thing in the morning because it has the most fiber.
5) Apparently I've been measuring my waist size wrong. I've been measuring right under my navel rather than on it. My waist is 39". Woot!
6) It rained Thursday so I didn't bike to work but I got my workout in ;-).
7) Thursday I also went out to dinner with some friends and while I didn't stay away from the bread, I was very proud of myself for limiting my consumption to the 2 smallest pieces.
8) Cashews are crack. I have to stop taking my wallet with me on break. They were on sale and I bought a container and went HAM.
9) This weekend I stuck to my clean eating in the house but I also had a very eventful weekend and ate out some. Shame shame to me but I regret nothing.
10) I tried on my birthday dress which I haven't worn since May and it fits even better! Before I had to turn it around to get it zipped and suck it in a little. I was able to zip it up in the back with no trouble. Woot!
11) I tried to bike to work Monday morning but I got a flat halfway through and had to take the bus the rest of the way. I'm going to walk home to make up the difference.

Monday, September 29, 2014

My weekend and why I love living in DC

   I've been in this city almost 8 years and I have yet to be bored. There is literally always something to do (and not just da club) and there's a good chance that it is going to be free. If you're not doing anything, it's because you don't want to.
   This Saturday I had the pleasure of attending the 2nd annual Art All Night festival. It's based on a similar one that takes place in Paris called Nuit Blanche. There were 5 sites around the city with different exhibits and it went from 7pm-3am.

There were paintings, body art, fire hula hoopers, a silent party, live bands every hour, and much more. While I didn't get to visit all 5 sites, the 2 that I did were so full of activity that I don't feel like I missed out. The crowd was really clectic and relaxed. I'm not the biggest art fan but this festival was comprised of so many different mediums that it really drew me in and was the type of atypical fun that I like. I went with my roommate who has actually attended the Nuit Blanche in Paris and he said that this one was more fun and light-hearted.

One of the exhibits in the Wonderbread Factory at the Shaw location.

   Sunday I had the pleasure of seeing this gentleman DJ at the Kennedy Center:

   If you have never been to the Kennedy Center put it on your calendar. They have free concerts at 6pm 365 DAYS A YEAR.  I went just expecting to see ?uestlove and Black Thought perform. It turned out that this particular event was a celebration for the winners of a youth poetry contest. I was pleasantly surprised to hear amazing poetry from high school and college students from around the country, a presentation by Glynn Washington from one of my favorite podcasts Snap Judgment, and a brief talk by Hill Harper. Chock full o' fantastic!
   To get into the concert a friend and I had to wait in line for an hour but it went by quickly. After we got our tickets we had a couple of hours to kill so we walked over to Founding Farmers restaurant and had our fill. Founding Farmers has a fantastic menu and the portion sizes based on the prices are fantastic. They also try their best to make sure that their food is locally sourced as much as possible. After eating we walked back to the Kennedy Center and were blown away by the performances. The friend I wa swith siad they would have gladly paid $50 to attend.
   How did I find out about these events? Twitter. I follow several accounts that post events around the city like @goingoutguide and @freeindcblog. There are several so just do a little research for your city and I'm sure you will find tons of fun gems in your area. Have fun!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Extended sugar detox Week 2 (with pictures!)

So this week we start off at 190.6. I'm not going to recap the last post so just read up on it here. The menu is pretty much the same as last week because...laziness...and tasty tasty rotisserie. Exercise was biking and an intro crossfit class on Monday, biking to and from work plus lifting on Tuesday, running group Wednesday, and biking to and from work Thursday and Friday. This is me on 9/16, 2014.
190.6 lbs, 40" waist

Here are progress pictures from last week this week (the pictures on the left are the most recent):

Week 2 Observations/Goals 
1) Weirdly, I don't think I'm eating enough. This eating plan calls for 5 servings of protein and 7 servings of vegetables a day. I think I'm averaging about 4 of each. I need to throw in some extra veggies into my lunches for some fiber.
2) I want to make a tapioca flour crust pizza this weekend. I just need to find some people to come eat it with me so I don't go overboard.
3) I'm hoping to lose 3 lbs. this week. Come on 187.6!
4) I had a hankering for a breakfast snadwich this morning. I got it but I am proud to say I didn't eat the bagel, just the inside.
5) Took pictures of myself last night and this morning. BIG difference. I flatten out during my sleep.
6) Never lift the day before you have to run. My back is killing me and I'm not going to be able to do my Thursday workout.
7) It's Thursday and I'm at 190 exactly.
8) So I injured myself and couldn't work out Thursday or Friday. My weight isn't going down as quickly as expected so next week I'm changing up the food routine. No rotisserie chicken. I think the sodium is making me retain water. Plus I haven't been removing the skin.
9) This weekend I was terrible. Like fell completely off the wagon. I went to the bacon festival and it was all downhill from there. I had my fill of delicious bacon in many forms and topped that off with ice cream and homemade pizza. Then on Sunday my friend took me to a bottomless mimosa brunch...and there was more ice cream involved (an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's Fudge Brownie). But I own my mistakes and I don't regret them. I just have to get back on the horse.

Week 2 results
Due to my poor choices, instead of losing weight I gained it. I'm finishing this week off at 193.8. I'm not discouraged though. I know that it's a matter of will power and having a goal in mind to get me back on the ball and to stay there. I'll post my progress pictures in the next update.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Extended sugar detox Week 1 (with pictures!)

   Hopefully you read my last post was about my sugar detox results. If not go here. I liked what happened in 21 days so I decided to try it again for an extended period of time. So from 9/9/14 until Halloween (my favorite time of year), I'm going to do the sugar detox again and document it weekly with pictures for my and whatever soul might be reading to see. Why? Because I want to be Storm this year and she's a bad bitch. Or health. Or whatever. This is me on September 9, 2014:
195.4 lbs., 40" waist
   This week's menu is pretty simple. 3-4 meals consisting of 4 ounces of store bought rotisserie chicken (or a 4 ounce homemade burger patty if I'm feeling fancy), 1 cup of vegetables, and 1/5 of an avocado with 2 of those meals. I was feeling lazy and didn't want to do my usual meat prep, which is extensive (thank my Haitian momma). The vegetables for this week consist of roasted cauliflower, roasted brussel sprouts, and blanched broccoli. Daily snacks are 1 omelette muffin, 12 almonds, and 1/2 cup of cottage cheese flavored with fruit extract/vanilla and sweetened with Splenda (spare me the Splenda rants, it be good). Exercise for the week: bootcamp on Monday, bike to and from work Tuesday, running group on Wednesday, bike to and from work Friday.

   Some of my observations on Week 1
1) Blanched broccoli is a great colon cleanser. I was out on break and had to high tail it back to the office to use the facilities. Blanched broccoli is cooked just enough that I don't feel like I'm eating shrubbery, but raw enough that I get all of the fiber benefits.
2) Starting the detox wasn't as hard as it was the last time. I like the fact that it is so regimented. It gives me less room for fudging the numbers.
3) I love weighing myself in the morning! Went to sleep at 195.4 and woke up at 192.6. (9/10/14)
4) Woke up this morning at 190.4. I feel like the weight loss this week is due mostly to an increase in fiber and no cheese to gum up the works.
5) A good run at the end of the day is a great way to stimulate your intestines.
6) Less an observation, more a goal. I'm hoping to be at 185 by next Tuesday. My goal for the duration of this cleanse is to be down to 175 by Halloween.
7) I'm a cheap date now. 2 drinks and I'm done. I went to happy hour with some friends and had 2 vodka seltzers.
8) So I was bad this weekend. Not terrible but I wasn't adhering to the serving sizes of protein I was supposed to have. Friday and Saturday I went overboard on almonds and on Sunday I biked to Mr. P's BBQ truck, got a half slab of pork ribs and ate the whole damn thing. To my surprise I still woke up this morning at 189.8. I'm glad there was a drop but I still wonder what the scale would have said if I had made better choices. (Sidenote: Mr. P's has some of the best ribs I have ever tasted. They are located at 6th & Rhode Island NW.)
9) I finally got the pieces I need for my Storm costume. I don't look bad but I could stand to lose a couple of inches around the waist. More motivation to keep going with this cleanse.
10) I need to be really diligent about my water intake. It really helps with digestion and helps me to feel more satiated with my meals. My goal is going to be 4 thermos fulls a day.
   Week 1 Results
Woke up this morning at 190.6. That's 4.8 lbs from last Tuesday morning. I'm telling you the system works! I don't know why I thought I could lose 10 lbs in 1 week but being down almost 5 lbs is alright with me! I'm going to post pictures on the Week 2 update so stay tuned.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Becoming Storm (part 1)

   In an earlier post I told you about my love of making costumes. Well Halloween is right around the corner and I am in go mode. Like I said before, what I like about making costumes is being able to make them for as little cost as possible (ideally under $20) and using my ingenuity to make the costume as close to the original but as flattering as possible. This year's costume is a super sexy version of Storm. This right here:

It took me a while to find the pieces that I needed but I found the perfect ones this Saturday. I got these shaper briefs for $7 at Marshalls.

 I'm going to wear both because the white one is a little sheer. I also got the top at Marshalls also for $5. I'm working on it right now so it looks a little funky but wait until you see the final product.

I used spray paint to color the top and was able to get the shape I needed by using a piece that I had in my bag o' costumery. FYI, the spray paint was from some that I already had lying around plus some that I picked up on freecycle.

This is why I don't like to throw things out; you never know when something will come in handy. For the off the shoulder straps I cut some strips out of an old pillowcase, sewed them up and spray painted them.

The costume calls for white boots and I don't feel like going out to buy any. Luckily I had an old pair of boots in the trunk of my car and plenty of white spray paint.

 All of this was accomplished between late Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. Since summer decided that she's just gonna up and leave I'm more inclined to stay in the house so there will be ample time to get everything ready in time for Halloween. It looks rough now but I'm really excited to see what it looks like in the end. I'll keep you posted.