Sunday, June 29, 2014

DIY: Face moisturizer

   I haven't bought traditional face moisturizer in a few years. I find the ones in the store to be too greasy and I have more than enough of that going on in these pores of mine. I also think that charging me $7 for a face lotion when I pay less than $4 for body lotion doesn't add up. I found a simple recipe a few years ago that provides me with the moisture my face needs without making me look like a shiny penny. It's super simple and saves me a couple of dollars that I can put towards my SmartTrip card (rates have gone up AGAIN as of Metro!). So here it is. You will need just 2 ingredients:

1) Aloe Vera gel: I usually get the bottle for $2.99 at Trader Joe but right now I have this one by Fruit of the Earth. I think it was a little over $3.

2) Glycerin: I find this at CVS for about $5. Glycerin is a humectant which means it pulls moisture from the air (many beauty products contain it) and brings it into your lovely skin. The bottom half of my face tends to get very dry so the glycerin really helps to balance it out with the oily top half. But you have to be careful with it because too much glycerin on your skin will actually pull the moisture OUT of that pretty face of yours.

How to make the moisturizer:

1) Put about a dime sized amount of the aloe vera gel in your hand.

2) Add 2 drops of glycerin. You don't need a lot. Promise.

3) Rub together in your hands

4) Apply

That's it. Super simple and quick. Looking at the costs up front it may seem more expensive than a traditional face moisturizer but the Aloe Vera Gel typically lasts me about 2-3 months and I JUST finished my first bottle of glycerin that I bought 3 years ago. Try it out and let me know how you like it. And share with your friends! Together we can build a more frugal and beautiful America! :-)

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