Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Extended sugar detox Week 2 (with pictures!)

So this week we start off at 190.6. I'm not going to recap the last post so just read up on it here. The menu is pretty much the same as last week because...laziness...and tasty tasty rotisserie. Exercise was biking and an intro crossfit class on Monday, biking to and from work plus lifting on Tuesday, running group Wednesday, and biking to and from work Thursday and Friday. This is me on 9/16, 2014.
190.6 lbs, 40" waist

Here are progress pictures from last week this week (the pictures on the left are the most recent):

Week 2 Observations/Goals 
1) Weirdly, I don't think I'm eating enough. This eating plan calls for 5 servings of protein and 7 servings of vegetables a day. I think I'm averaging about 4 of each. I need to throw in some extra veggies into my lunches for some fiber.
2) I want to make a tapioca flour crust pizza this weekend. I just need to find some people to come eat it with me so I don't go overboard.
3) I'm hoping to lose 3 lbs. this week. Come on 187.6!
4) I had a hankering for a breakfast snadwich this morning. I got it but I am proud to say I didn't eat the bagel, just the inside.
5) Took pictures of myself last night and this morning. BIG difference. I flatten out during my sleep.
6) Never lift the day before you have to run. My back is killing me and I'm not going to be able to do my Thursday workout.
7) It's Thursday and I'm at 190 exactly.
8) So I injured myself and couldn't work out Thursday or Friday. My weight isn't going down as quickly as expected so next week I'm changing up the food routine. No rotisserie chicken. I think the sodium is making me retain water. Plus I haven't been removing the skin.
9) This weekend I was terrible. Like fell completely off the wagon. I went to the bacon festival and it was all downhill from there. I had my fill of delicious bacon in many forms and topped that off with ice cream and homemade pizza. Then on Sunday my friend took me to a bottomless mimosa brunch...and there was more ice cream involved (an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's Fudge Brownie). But I own my mistakes and I don't regret them. I just have to get back on the horse.

Week 2 results
Due to my poor choices, instead of losing weight I gained it. I'm finishing this week off at 193.8. I'm not discouraged though. I know that it's a matter of will power and having a goal in mind to get me back on the ball and to stay there. I'll post my progress pictures in the next update.

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